Saturday, March 26, 2016

Zebra translocation in Kenya

Great site showing details of how zebra translocation is done in Amboseli National Park, the largest national park in Kenya. Loading and unloading a truck full of zebras, all in a day's work.

Saving Amboseli – Photos of Zebra translocation

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

MexSoaps in Kenya

A couple years ago I did a trip to Kenya, and in my hotel room in Nairobi I flipped on the TV during prime time 9 pm. There was no cable, just national stations. Three different stations, including CitizenTV, were all showing Mexican soap operas and telenovelas dubbed badly into English. Whah?

I looked it up, turns out Mexican soap operas are extremely popular in Kenya and other East African countries like Uganda, etc. Apparently they are on one hand better than local shows, and on the other also cheaper than US shows. Plus they are a huge hit with middle aged women. Who knew? Sombreros in birthplace of the safari.   

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Carne Rusa in Miami

Algunos de los alimentos, juguetes y perfumes rusos que se venden en Marky's en North Miami.

I just got back from a short spring break in Miami, a city with lots of sun, lots palm trees and lots of Whole Foods. On the last day, I picked up some natural mango-pineapple juice at "El Palacio de Los Jugos" i.e. The Juice Palace, which is also a deli. Spanish is the only language most of the salespeople speak. I noticed on the counter cans of "Carne Rusa" for sale--"Russian meat."

Cuba had a tight trade relationship with Russia during the USSR era. They imported lots of canned meat from Russia. Miami today is 34% Cuban, and some Cuban-Miamians still have nostalgia for Russian foods and goods, as the article below illustrates. A number of stores in Miami sell Russian products including canned meat, caviar, Russian dolls, tea, and also Russian dolls "muñequitos Rusos."

In addition to imported Carne Rusa that is actually from Russia, there is also Carne Rusa sold in Miami that is actually beef from the US, it is just prepared with the same style and ingredients as the old Russian imported meat and labeled Carne Rusa.

Video: Carne Rusa nostalgia para muchos Cubanos - Univision

Article: Miami Cubans have nostalgia for Russian products