Friday, November 21, 2014

Old South/New South - Japanese cars and country music

The US South has been a magnet for relocation of big corporate headquarters. I saw on 2011 a trip to Nashville, TN the home of country music, that Nissan and Samsonite luggage moved their North American headquarters to Murfreesboro, TN about 30 min from Nashville. On one hand, what a strange place for a Japanese car company, but on the other the move resulted in the area having one of the very top US population growth rates of 40% since the 2000s and has a current job growth rate of 40%, quite a contrast from the overall US economy.

When I was in Murfreesboro there was an amazing Old South/New South contrast between one side of the highway with old beat up pick up trucks and crumbling houses whereas on the other were huge brand new shopping centers with boutiques, day spas, Whole Foods, and giant corporate headquarters complex of Nissan with McMansions and condos nearby. Even the roads themselves were much more well maintained on the newer side. Also, another nearby country town had been converted to what NY Times columnist David Brooks would call a "latte towns," small walkable areas of boutiques, Starbucks, etc. for the new wealthier population.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Great sites for in-depth information about endangered species

Great sites for in-depth information about endangered species


IUCN Red List

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Chinese in Russia

China to Russia - The cross border presence - France 24, 11 Aug 13

Notice the contrast in what two Russian men say about farm work starting around 7 min and the other around 8:20: one says he always hires Russians and avoids hiring Chinese because they will start their own farms, the other that Chinese workers are hard workers and "it's good they're here" while young Russians since Gorbachev don't want to work they just want to "drink and smoke pot."

The future of the European Union


The pros and cons of the European Union - Deutsche Welle

The future of Europe: integration or fragmentation?
Will the future hold one Europe or many? This issue is front and center today. Europe has much deeper, longstanding traditions and boundaries than the US does, and this creates all kinds of issues of local and national sovereignty vs. EU sovereignty. Think about it: will it be one Europe-wide bank or many banks? One EU army or many armies? One EU immigration policy or many individual policies tailored to each country?

Europe's Tea Parties
Today 51% of UK voters polled said they would vote to leave the EU, the highest rates of "Euroscepticism" in any EU country. Euroscepticism is led by many conservatives and independents who won big in last spring's elections across Europe. One of the most famous Eurosceptics is Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), similar to the Tea Party in the US. Notice what he says about what the real beauty of Europe is in the video below.

Europe's Federalists
On the other hand, many others view an increasingly-unified Europe as the only way for Europe to compete with the major powers on the world stage like the US and China, just like Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists believed the USA needed a strong central government to hold its own against England and France. They also Europe-wide solutions as the best way to solve many problems like human rights, international trade, and inequality.

In reality, both sides have merit. The EU has great benefits but also poses many conflicts with national and regional governments, it is a messy situation that has to be worked out issue by issue.

In the big picture, this current EU debate has parallels to the debate the US went through among the Founding Fathers, Federalists like Hamilton  vs. Anti-Federalists like Jefferson: should the system favor strengthening local and regional governments with as little Federal government as possible as Jefferson wanted, or should the focus be a single strong, unified government as Hamilton wanted?

But again, there is a major difference: Europe's local and national identities are hundreds and often thousands of years older than in the US, they do not share a common language and they have long histories of identities forged directly in contrast to one another.

Nigel Farage - Eurosceptics are the good Europeans

Friday, November 14, 2014

Geography an "un-disciplined discipline"?

Geography synthesizes from all sciences including social and physical sciences around the idea of places in space, just as history does so around the idea of events in time. So said Immanuel Kant... in this sense Geography is interdisciplinary which in a sense is "undisciplined," although I would add it is not just interdisciplinary because Geography is a discipline of its own with a multitude of analytical and diagnostic frameworks for perceiving phenomena in space. So like History, Geography is a discipline in itself of which an essential part is to synthesize from other disciplines.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Good videos on Migration

1. Immigrant children crossing border into US to escape violence -Why are so many children coming to the US border without parents?

2. Reverse brain drain - India
-Brain drain means skilled people emigrating for greater opportunities abroad; reverse brain drain is when they come back. Why did these people choose to return to India?

American Dream's new headquarters? RT - 4 min

 3. Tunisians from North Africa migrate to Italy during the Arab Spring 2011 - BBC 3:30 min
-During the Arab Spring revolutions, thousands of Tunisians escaped on boats headed for Italy, which has many small islands in the Mediterranean Sea including tiny Lampedusa. What were the push and pull factors and perceptions the migrants had before they arrived? After?

4.  US Customs and Border Patrol (CPB): Patrols of the Rio Grande River
- 5 min
-What are the challenges these guys face as they try to patrol the US-Mexico border along the Rio Grande?

5. African immigrants in China - 3 min
-Why are Africans moving to China?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Seoul, South Korea

Some of the traits of Seoul, many I would never have thought of.

Relationship between Antarctica and New Zealand

Much of Antarctica was discovered through funds and supplies coming from New Zealand, and NZ still maintains many activities in Antarctica today.

Videos halfway down - NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research)

NIWA Activities in Antarctica

History of NZ and Antarctica