Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Shot blocker

Shot Blocker - Wildlife protection public service announcement featuring Yao Ming

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

China air quality

China's air quality study has good news and bad news - NY Times

"Don't move to Beijing, Chengdu, or Shenyang, if you can help it."

Copy that. Just went to Chengdu for vacation, to see the pandas, Leshan Buddha, and Dazu Caves--which are very cool. Living in Chengdu is like living inside a muffler. Add the fact that so many guys smoke, and their lungs must look like the bottom of a barbecue grill.

There are lots of polls and surveys, but overall I have heard consistently that Shenzhen and Qingdao are two of the cleanest big cities in China. Living in Shenzhen, I don't even notice pollution even though it is currently said to be "high season" for pollution. It's nothing remotely like Chengdu where you can see the black clouds of smog, there's little smog at all in Shenzhen. On the flip side, everybody I talk to says don't live in Beijing.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017