Occured to me in the car: add up
Big Energy (oil, gas, coal)
Big Ag (Monsanta, Cargill, etc.)
Big Pharma (Pfizer, Roche, etc.)
Big Auto (GM, Ford) +
= what % of our economy?
Also add Big Telecom (Verizon, Sprint, etc.), Big Food (Nabisco, Nestle) and Big Ed--the massive education industry in which most of the money goes to administrators, not to teachers.
But a lesson from Seth Godin: if you want to compete as a small guy entrepreneur, there's room if you do something the big guys don't/can't. Ex.:
-be a middleman for some smaller-market product like import/export
-set up in smaller market where the big guys don't go
-provide a customized product or service beyond what the cookie-cutter world of mass production can