Thursday, January 23, 2014

Military agility of the far-flung Geography of the "Special Relationship"

The "Special Relationship" as it is called between the US and UK means these countries have each others' back when any international conflict comes up and have an "exceptionally close" relationship based on common cultural heritage.

Today, that international cooperation largely extends to all five Anglo-heritage countries in international affairs:
New Zealand.

Military agility due to wide-ranging Geography
Besides the high standard of living and sheer military and economic strength of these five of these countries, there are major benefits in international relations which stem from Geography:

-These five countries are spread around the world, far and wide

-All of these countries possess numerous islands. The UK and US have islands around the globe. Even tiny New Zealand has over 30 islands including the Cook Islands.

This common Geography provides a seemingly-endless array of bases in which the US can launch air, missile, or naval strikes.

As a US solider noted during the Cold War, “if we ever need to launch a missile at somebody, Britain usually has an island somewhere nearby.”

British Overseas Territories Map

New Zealand Outlying Islands Map

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