Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Good agriculture videos

Duck rice farming in Japan
– 10 minutes
1. What are some ways that the ducks help the rice grow in paddies?
2. What are some other species of plants or animals that also live in the paddies?
3. Towards the end, the scientists says that duck rice farming is very difficult, but the farmer himself says that it is not difficult as difficult as it seems. Why?

Up in Smoke
– The Guardian - 7 minutes
1. What are some of the major problems with slash-and-burn agriculture that the video shows?
2. Why do people practice slash-and-burn agriculture if they know there are problems?
3. What is the solution shown in the video?

Grass is king on livestock farm - Polyface Farms, Virginia – Discovery news – 3 minutes
1. What are two practices that are different/unconventional about the way Joel Salatin farms?

Beijing's urban farmers - Reuters 2 minutes
1. Why are farmers in Beijing, China especially motivated to grow their own produce?

America revealed - urban farming in Detroit - PBS - 4 minutes
1. Why is an urban area like Detroit becoming a home to many farmers?

Singapore vertical farms herald an agricultural revolution - - 7 minutes
-Look on a map to see where Singapore is, a tiny island country with very high-income in SE Asia

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