Saturday, September 12, 2015

The new scramble for Africa: Chinese, French, US

The new scramble for Africa - Al Jazeera

Discusses how China, France, and the US are engaged in Africa, which could be seen as the third in a series of historic eras of divisive foreign intervention:

1. Original scramble for Africa by European colonizing powers marked by Berlin Conference
2. Post-independence Cold War divisions that created wars and turmoil within many African countries
3. Africa's current turn to China and away from the West, France's ongoing deep relationship with Africa aka Francafrique, and US aid under the idea of fighting terrorism

-"China is creating these very powerful feedback loops for its own [interest]... that really cut Africa out of the equation in terms of the benefits." 17:50

-"So, you cry 'War on terror,' you get aid, and you stay in power."19:20

-On "Francafrique" the connectedness between modern France and Africa:
"[France offers African countries] boots on the ground and intelligence, the one thing the U.S. can't get in French-speaking Africa." 28:10

-Today France, the US, and China are contending to be the major foreign players in Africa, which could be seen as a new version of the previous scrambles for Africa i.e. "dividing up the pie" once again

-France is promoting democratic institutions
US is promoting security structures
China is promoting economic infrastructure...
are Africans benefiting? Africans have been "forced to live Western dreams, now offered Chinese dreams... will they live their own dream? It is critical to pinpoint an African agenda"... 35:25

"I'm constantly puzzled... that there hasn't been an internal debate on this continent about what we want to do with the Chinese.... African economic policy has been externalized..."

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