Friday, February 7, 2014

Groningen, the Netherlands the World's Cycling City

Video: Groningen the World's Cycling City

The city of Groningen, the Netherlands is a laboratory for innovative bike use. The Dutch lead the world in bike use. The country is 83% urban, which is high, with a multitude of medieval, compact cities and towns that lend themselves to biking.

The country is a pioneer in innovative urban programs to promote biking.

Key points:
-One interviewee makes the key point: you can't have this kind of pervasive bike culture by putting in bike-friendly infrastructure just here and there. It has to be everywhere. And in Groningen nearly everywhere there are bike paths and bike-sharing facilities, bike parking, showers and lockers for bikers.

-Another makes the observation that the city is extremely quiet due to lack of cars.

-Another observer notes that "the infrastructure removes conflicts" meaning the city is built so that bikers will not have to compete and jostle with cars in the road.

Overall, the main idea is that bikes get first place in Groningen. "The city does not encourage traveling by car" and cars are relegated to the sidelines.

In the US bike sharing is taking root, but due to the sprawl that exists many people cannot bike to work even if they wanted to. Even if you could make the journey, there would usually be exhaust blown in your face the whole time and the risk of getting hit by a car.

Having said that, I know a college professor who bikes 9 miles each way across DC every day to get to GWU.

Bike lights
Bike Parking is found all over GroningenSee
Video: Groningen the World's Cycling City

Fiets & Beraad Center of Expertise on Bicycle Policy

Boston Globe: A Cyclist's Mecca, With Lessons for Boston

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