Friday, February 7, 2014

Oil and gas facts and prices around the world

Here are some facts about oil around the world:

-They say that the US will become the world's #1 oil producer by next year 2015. The reason is fracking, a technology that makes it possible to split open underground rock layers to get to pockets of oil and natural gas (which usually are found together).

-There are some staggering gas prices in the world today -- both staggeringly high and also low.

Norway is the only major oil producer with extremely expensive gas--$9.97 a gallon (they get oil from under the sea). For this reason and also because they do not pay import taxes, Norway leads the world in purchasing electric cars.

Also in northern Europe, the Netherlands has the 2nd highest gas prices $8.85/gallon and also has the world's highest levels of bike use.

Video: Groningen the World's Cycling City

Meanwhile the US is only $3.52 a gallon.

On the low end:
-UAE $1.77/gallon (a super-rich country)
-Saudi Arabia $0.45/gallon
-Venezuela 4 cents a gallon!

"The cost of filling up the 39-gallon tank of a Chevrolet Suburban in Venezuela is $1.56, compared with $137.28 in the United States."

Stats like these give me visions of cruising at 100 mph through the Arabian Desert or the nomadic regions of the Kara-Kum desert of Turkmenistan for weeks at a time.

Key point: these countries have cheap gas because the government subsidizes it. In countries where the government has announced it would end these subsidies, major riots have occurred as in Nigeria.

Under Pressure, Nigerian Leader Relents on Gas Price
NY Times

Almost-Free Gas Comes at a High Cost

Ranking Gas Prices Around the World

Houston Chronicle

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